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Anything But Boring Borders

Anything But Boring Borders

Back in October (14th to be precise) we chatted about caring for our perennials throughout the Autumn and Winter and trying to resist the urge to prune them all back until the Spring and with a blink of the eye, here we are so let’s have a little recap as to why we decided to step away from the secateurs.

Especially towards the end of the Autumn it can be very tempting to tidy up our borders and snip back the dead stems of our perennial plants but I hope that you all agree it was worth the wait and I have appreciated the beautiful frosty cobwebs so give yourselves a pat on the back for giving wildlife some food and shelter.

The wait is now over and you no longer need to hold fire, this is the perfect time to grab those snippers and have a good old tidy up.

How do I prune my herbaceous perennials in Spring?

All the old stems can now be removed, cutting each of them back to the crown or ground level depending on the plant (basically, the chunky part from which the new shoots appear) but please be careful as the new shoots will really be taking shape by now and we don’t want to damage those or snip them by accident. If the plant produces new shoots from the old stems then just prune to shape above a new shoot/bud to the required height. Tidying up the base of the plants would also be a great job to get done at the same time, removing any debris and fallen leaves and adding a little mulch if needed.

The hard work is done and now it’s time for the really fun bit, let’s fill those gaps!

When it comes to re-stocking your borders, we have you covered. Keep an eye on your inbox because our deal this week will include big savings on 3 amazing herbaceous border plants that complement each other wonderfully and also impactful individually too. Each selected plant has a different growth habit and here’s why we love them at P2G;

Lathyrus vernus – This fabulous bushy, clump forming perennial with showy purple/pink/blue sweet pea like flowers from March to May and holds the RHS Award of Garden Merit. Simply cut back each year for new growth and a wonderful spectacle every Spring

Star Balsam (Zaluzianskya ovata) – Ground hugging with an amazing scent named after Adam Zaluziansky von Zaluzian a 16th century Czech botanist. When open, the flowers appear white but the deep colours on the reverse of the petals will complement the sweet pea Lathyrus blooms beautifully.

Geum Tempo - Mounding Geum with flowers held high on wiry stems. Perfect for under shrubs or trees. Collection of 3 beauties from the Tempo series producing beautiful double and semi-double blooms right through until the first frosts.

We really will have anything but boring borders!


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