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Gardening Tips - Temperatures And Adapting To Change

Gardening Tips - Temperatures And Adapting To Change

One of my favourite Violas has to be the Honeybee variety with their warm shades of colour (yellow being my favourite colour) and their determination to flower from Autumn right through the Winter no matter what weather conditions are thrown at them, don’t be fooled by their cuteness, they are tough.

To be honest, when it comes to the end of May and I feel the urge to plant some summer bedding, I do sometimes feel a bit guilty taking them out of the pots! We’ve been packing the Honeybee and lots of beautiful bedding over the last week or so and it’s been wonderful to look down to the warehouse and see their faces looking back at you

There is still lots of beautiful bedding available to brighten up your Autumn/Winter garden, feel free to take a look here: Autumn Bedding

The soil is desperately clinging on to the last bit of warmth meaning it’s the perfect time to plant your Autumn/Winter bedding and this will give them the ideal start. Other than replacing your summer flowering bedding it’s also time to reduce the watering of your patio pots. Most perennials and shrubs, particularly Mediterranean palms, cordylines and lavenders, do not like wet feet. A good idea now is to make sure all pots are stood on pot feet or pieces of wood or if you are using a saucer, turn it upside down so water can escape easily from the bottom of the pot.

As the chill in the air continues to increase, begin to move tender plants such as Citrus trees and cannas into a heated conservatory or greenhouse for the winter making sure they are getting plenty of sunlight but are not too close to a radiator.

I’m very thankful to be receiving the last few photos of Hydrangeas in bloom and here is Lynnes P2G paniculate giving a fabulous display

Sunrise walks have been gorgeous this week although I did regret not wearing gloves earlier in the week, what a difference a week makes.


The heating also automatically kicked in this week which was a welcomed surprise, the blankets are at hand and the logs are in and I’m looking forward to cozy evenings (although it looks like the temperature has crept up again, who knows!).

Have a lovely weekend and please do send me a photo of your Autumn pots and borders if you get the chance as we love seeing them.

Take care,


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