Gardening Tips: Too many Tulips – is that even possible?
Don’t panic everyone, this is the last call for all you Tulip lovers out there!
If you’ve never grown Tulips before or you feel that you might be tempted to add to your collection, then it’s thankfully not too late to take action. Our personally selected Great Dixter and Orange Angelique are stunning but our bumper pack of 50 bulbs is ideal to create a vibrant display this Spring, check it out here
Of course, Tulips do come back each year, but I like to move a few of the older ones and replace with some fresh variations because as we all know, variety is the spice of life! You may remember my blog from a few weeks ago (if not, feel free to check it out) where my mum and I planted some Tulip bulbs underneath her Primroses? Well, I’ve found a photo on my phone from when we did exactly the same thing last year and here is the display my mum had this Spring, fab isn’t it! So simple but so effective (and believe me, if we can do it, anyone can!)
It’s true to say that I’m a little unruly with my planting of tulip bulbs, a few in a pot, a few dotted in-between the plants in the garden and I also like to do some ‘clump’ planting as this means they will self-support each other, according to Ken, but the best part about this is that is saves time too (not having to make individual holes in the soil)! It’s so simple, right up my street, make a hole about twice the depth of the bulbs, pop in the bulb pointy way up, cover with soil, bingo!
Let’s talk Peonies too, so reliable (even when I forget to feed them for a year - oops!). To be frank, the bare root Peony we send out is pretty ugly, no offence Mr Peony, but this is honestly the best way to grow these superb plants and it is so easy to plant with just a thin layer of soil over the top, coming back year after year, bigger and better each time – perfect.
It really is a great time for us to look at what gaps we have in our garden beds and borders as well as using any empty pots. A few violas, pansies or primroses will brighten them up in just a few minutes (and don’t forget to plant some tulip bulbs underneath for an extra special Spring delight – see my blog from 9th October).
Enjoy your final Autumn/Winter bedding and tulip shopping and take care,