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When to plant Summer Bedding Plants

When to plant Summer Bedding Plants

Garden Ready Bedding – Saving the Country’s Windowsill space yet again!

It’s so tempting at this time of year to get carried away with enticing summer bedding offers online and before I became a member of the Plants2Gardens family, I must admit that early offers of miniature plants resulted in me becoming a victim of a windowsill invasion!

With dispatch dates from the end of May onwards, we pride ourselves in supplying summer bedding plants at just the right time to avoid them taking over your home or greenhouse for the next few months and sizes range from 3cm right up to our chunky jumbo 6’s (measured according to the diameter of the rootball)! 

We would usually recommend planting out your summer bedding at the beginning of June when the chance of a frost has hopefully passed, and the temperature doesn’t drop below 10 degrees C.  It’s always a good idea to keep the plants outside during the daytime for a week or 2 before this to get them acclimatised (also known as ‘hardening off’) and make sure they are not too warm in a greenhouse or conservatory as this may cause them to become leggy (which kind of means tall and spindly, not bushy and full).  This may of course vary a little because as we all know, our weather does like to keep us on our toes and especially if you live further north, so keep checking in with the weatherman/lady!

As your bedding plants grow, it is always a good idea to remove the central stem, this is called ‘pinching out’ and sometimes seems a little harsh but trust me, this will encourage more stems and in turn, a fuller plant with more foliage and flowers.

Our 4/5cm plants and of course the Jumbo’s are ready and raring to go as soon as you receive them with a superb choice of varieties on the website.  Purchasing chunkier, garden ready plants doesn’t only mean you can put them straight into your pots and hanging baskets, it also gives you the appealing option to have a wider variety of choice delivered at the perfect time rather than 50 tiny begonias sitting on your windowsill for weeks or even months.

Remember, we are here to help if you get a little overwhelmed by the varieties we have personally selected from our fabulous growers or if you would just like a little bit of advice.

Click Here To Buy Your Summer Bedding Plants Now

Placing your orders now will mean that you have reserved your plants and ordering summer bedding plants is very satisfying!  You never know, by the time they arrive, we may even be able to have someone round for a cuppa in the garden to enjoy them with!

Here’s to garden ready bedding and saving time, cheers.


Lindsey (Customer Service)

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