Fed N Done Ericaceous Plant Food
Feed and protect your plants quickly and easily.
Fed N Done Ericeaceous is a controlled release plant food that has been specifically designed for acid loving plants such as Rhododendrons, Camellias, Azaleas, Heathers etc and only needs to be applied twice a year to provide plants with all the nutrients needed so you can just sit back and enjoy.
The composition of this feed ensures that a measured amount of nutrients are released into the soil as soon as it is applied and then gradually released throughout the following 4 months to ensure plants recieve what they need as they need it.
Being a slow-release, granular feed, you no longer need to mix fertiliser with water and carry heavy watering cans around the garden, once you've mixed the granules according to the pack instructions you are fed and done!
1 x 30g scoop is sufficient for 30 Litres of compost
Fed N Done is safe to use around pets and children and does not harm wildlife.
Please follow pack instructions carefully, wash hands after use.
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Supplied as 1 x 750g pack with 50% extra free