Hydrangea Macrophylla 'Bela' (4.5 Litre)
Balls of COLOUR in your late summer garden.
Choice of 3 stunning mophead varieties of Hydrangea
Grey woody stems produce large green leaf buds in late spring which open to heart shaped grass green foliage. These sturdy stems produce flower heads made up of lots of smaller flowers opening into ball shaped pom poms held high above the foliage in late summer.
Ideal for containers or border planting this compact plant is easy to look after. Happily growing in normal neutral acidity soil and feed annually in spring with a slow release feed.
Hydrangeas are quite thirsty plants in summer so when growing in containers sit the container on a saucer of water. Leaves turn shades of orange and yellow in autumn before falling.
Giving you years of colour an annual prune to remove spent flower heads in spring (faded blooms look great in winter) to the next pair of buds down the stem.
After a couple of years remove 1/3 of old branches to the base in successive years to encourage fresh, floriferous new shoots from the base.
Supplied as a 4.5 litre pot grown plant which is approximately 30cm high.