Peony Florists Dream (3 x Bare Roots)
Grow your own Peony Bouquet.
Classic, cottage garden plants that grow the most amazing blooms in the garden flowering and regrowing for years and years. Each year the plants gain in strength and vigour producing more flowers.
The flowers are gorgeous in the garden but how about bringing some of the flowers into the home as a cut flower arrangement.
An easy to grow plant which needs little -to-no- attention!
Simply plant the 3 mixed coloured bare rooted perennial plants direct in the border or containers.
As the weather warms in spring our top quality peonies with 2-3 growing eyes begin to produce attractive glossy leaves. The flowering stems develop with a huge 'golfball sized' buds which slowly unfurl to reveal huge 10cm wide ruffled blooms. perfect for use in the garden or cut for the home and grow your own bouquet.
Supplied as 3 Bare root plants 3/5 eyes for immediate planting.
This collection will include 3 of the varieties featured in the images