Ilex Golden King - Holly (3 Litre)
Ilex Golden King has been awarded an RHS AGM and it is not hard to see why.
This splendid, evergreen small tree/shrub has variegated leaves each with unique bright yellow margins and would make an ideal hedge creating a habitat for our welcomed garden visitors. Petite white flowers bloom in Spring/Summer followed by red berries to attract the birds to your garden. Confusingly its name Golden King refers to this variety being a male, but is in fact female thus producing berries. This tough, hardy shrub is very easy to care for, just a simple prune to shape once a year.
Being a variety of Holly, this Ilex provides seasonal interest and adds something a little different to your outside space with the shape and colour of its foliage which can be snipped to also create a pretty indoor display. Golden King has low 'prickle levels' from its leathery leaves.