Rhododendron Germania 7.5ltr
Very large deep pink blooms
We love Rhododendron Germania for its fantastic evergreen foliage and large trumpet shaped blooms in a rich shade of deep pink with ruffled edges and a speckled throat.
A more compact variety growing to around 1.2m in height and spread, Germania can be grown in a large container using ericaceous compost or Sulphur Soil but will be equally happy growing in beds and borders too. For best results we recommend feeding Rhododendrons twice a year, once in the Spring and again in Autumn with a slow release food, Fed N Done Ericaceous Plant Food is perfect for the job.
The mature plants will be supplied with a minimum of 10 buds which will go on to give 100 flowers next Spring!!
Position in full sun or partial shade and enjoy the wonderful flowers in May.
Supplied as a 7.5ltr shrub
Contents: 1 x 7.5 Litre Pot Grown Plant.