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5 Great Tips To Get Your Garden Looking Fabulous For Autumn…

5 Great Tips To Get Your Garden Looking Fabulous For Autumn…

As Summer draws to a close it's time for us to turn our attention to Autumn. After the stresses of a scorching hot Summer, and to get ready for whatever winter can throw at us, your garden will need some extra TLC. Here are 5 Great Tips To Get Your Garden Looking Fabulous For Autumn.

Get Pruning

The key to Autumn pruning is planning! Take the time to take stock of your garden and do the correct research to identify what will benefit from pruning now. Deciduous plants conserve energy during the winter months. A little pruning now will help these shrubs and trees come back stronger. They will also be less likely damaged during heavy frost as winter sets in.

Be sure to remove any damage or disease before it spreads and pay extra attention to creating as much light as possible to aid the other plants in your garden.

Evergreen trees rarely need much pruning, but you can remove dead and damaged branches at the end of summer.


Most Autumnal plants can be grown in containers and it’s a great way to add style and ‘fill out’ your garden as the sparseness of winter approaches. For existing containers, give them a thorough clean and refresh, a lick of paint can really breathe new life into terracotta pots and wooden containers.

We have an amazing deal this week there you can get a large Half Barrel Trough Planter with 4 fantastic hand selected Autumn plants, in a bundle worth over £79, for just £35! It really is the perfect way to transform your garden area for Autumn. This deal won’t be around long so don’t miss out and get your Autumn Container Bundle here:

Freshen Up

Now is the perfect time to treat all your exposed wood; sheds, fences, decking, as well as garden furniture to get ready for the harshness of winter. Take time to jet wash and treat your patio slabs, paths and steps too.

It can be tricky finding the right dry day but the summer sun is too intense for these jobs so now is the perfect window of opportunity.

Light The Fire

Create a cozy and somewhat sheltered area to enjoy the outdoors more this Autumn. Fire pits and Chimineas are great garden features and provide much needed heat and light as the days get shorter and shorter. Always adhere to manufacturers safety guidelines.

Garden LED lighting is a great way to create a stunning effect in your Autumn garden. Wall lights, up lights and fairy lights add great impact for quite a low budget.

It's A Marathon Not A Sprint

Autumn is a challenging time of year, the season of change is relentless so keep on top of your garden chores and the never ending barrage of fallen leaves by doing a little a few times a week. It’s far less likely to get out of hand that way and you won’t have such a daunting task at the end of Autumn.

Happy gardening you wonderful bunch,


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