Summer Garden Maintenance Tips
Summer has finally arrived! Yay!! You can now enjoy the fruits of your labour as your garden reaches its zenith. However, don't get to comfy, there is still plenty to do to keep your garden in pristine condition during the Summer months.
Our team of gardening experts have put together the 9 Best Summer Garden Maintenance Tips to help you keep your garden and lawn looking beautiful despite the Summer heat. (Yes we are being optimistic! It's gonna be a scorcher)
Harvest Quick & Clean - If you have fruiting plants then make sure you harvest sooner rather than later, leaving things to over-mature slows the plant down and reduces production.
Deadheading - Remove those spent flowers and with them no longer soaking up valuable energy, your plant can get ready to bloom again.
Mow Smart - It's going to be hot, don't cut your grass too short! Just taking the time to set the right height on your lawn mower can make such a difference.
Water - Don't over-soak your lawn. Give it a good light cover a couple of times a week. Your plants are going to be thirsty too so water from below not over the top of the plant. Its far more precise and efficient.
Mulch - Think of it as sunblock to stop soil drying out too much. Spread liberally across any over exposed soil areas.
Plant Low Maintenance - The smart gardeners choice! Here's a few of the BEST low maintenance plants, perfect for planting right now: Lavatera, Weigela, Thalicturm, Hardy Geranium & Coprosma
Fertilize: Mid-summer is the perfect time of year to fertilize your garden and lawn.
Pests - Now is the time to be super vigilant. They are out in force and close inspection is needed daily
Prepare for Autumn - I know, I know, Summer has only just started but the end of Summer is TOO LATE, you need to start planning your Autumn garden sooner rather than later.
Happy gardening you wonderful bunch and keep your eyes peeled for our Deal Of The Week.
Stay safe,