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Erysimum Bowles Mauve really is the Bees Knees

Erysimum Bowles Mauve really is the Bees Knees

With climate change playing a big part in when bees first emerge from their Winter rest, it is now more important than ever to ensure we have some early nectar available for them.

Erysimum Bowles Mauve is a longstanding favourite here at P2G and our top choice for helping out the keen, early rising bees. Beautiful, scented flowers from February right through until the end of the Summer and beyond with instant impact and are satisfyingly easy to care for, which always helps to grab my attention.

We have therefore decided to make this wonderful plant the star of the show in our deal this week, buy 2 and get another free of charge. Add some early, long-lasting interest to your garden beds and borders or perfect in a pot for a beautiful display whilst feeling a sense of pride in supporting our beautiful bees. Grab this deal while you still can here

Erysimum Bowles Mauve holds the respected RHS Award of Garden Merit and many experts champion and recommend this plant, this is what Gardeners’ World have to say about it "Flowering almost constantly, Erysimum ‘Bowles’s Mauve’ is one of the best pollinator plants you can buy. It provides a long nectar season for moths, butterflies and lots of bee species."

We are a very wildlife friendly gang and always aim to be conscious of helping the creatures which share our gardens and outside space with us, my son never hesitates to help a bee that seems to have lost its buzz with a little sugar/water mix. A couple of ways in which we do this on the P2G website is by having a Wildlife section which includes all of the plants that bees and bugs will enjoy as well as including the RHS Perfect for Pollinators logo to indicate the plants which will be appreciated by our buzz-tastic buddies. 

Planting your Erysimum Bowles Mauve is a breeze, they’re not even fussy about the soil type, even if it’s a little poor quality. Growing and spreading to approximately 50cm they will bring to life a beautiful border every year with numerous tall spires of blooms and will fill a 30/40cm diameter planter brilliantly. Snipping off flower stems as they fade will encourage even more blooms, just try to make sure they are getting some sunshine. If you are thinking of teaming them up with other plants in your border or a larger planter or trough then scabious, gaura or tulips would complement them perfectly. Maybe even a simple solution to an unloved spot in your garden with instant results.

To finish off we thought it would be nice to highlight some of plants we supply which help to keep the bees buzzing so James and I have picked our Top 10 Plants for our fuzzy little friends;

  1. Erysimum Bowles Mauve
  2. Verbena Santos
  3. Sarcococca
  4. Lavender
  5. Rhododendron
  6. Penstemon
  7. Iberis
  8. Alstroemeria
  9. Gaura
  10. Zaluzianskya

Thank you for reading and please do drop me an email with any questions.

Take care,


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