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How And When To Plant Bulbs

How And When To Plant Bulbs

I must admit, I was just starting to allow thoughts of cozy evenings and nippy dog walks creep into my head and then along came that mini heatwave, but what a welcomed surprise it was.  With the weather being a little random and unpredictable, I decided to create a new 'Ta-da list' (learn about Ta-da lists here) as the temperature isn’t a reliable prompt at the mo.  This week, I added ‘Clearing out containers’ and ‘Planting Bulbs’ to my list as at Plants2Gardens we would like to announce that bulb planting season is now officially open!

As you all know, we really do love to source the more unusual plants that are still very easy to care for but will give you something a little different to enjoy and autumn planting/spring flowering bulbs are no exception.  Having said this, we do have some absolute stunners that we like to bring back each year for you and you may recognise a few of the bulbs we currently have available.  Tulips are a splendid way to signify we are well into the Spring and now is the perfect time to plant them for a beautiful display next Spring.  Two of my absolute faves are gorgeous Gudoshnik with its big blousy blooms and vibrant Viridiflora with striking colour and green stripe. Click here to take a look at our bulbs online

When do I plant Tulip Bulbs?  When do I plant Daffodil Bulbs?

Spring flowering bulbs should be planted in the Autumn, this includes Tulips, Daffodils, Narcissus and Iris.  It is recommended that Daffodils and Narcissus are planted by the end of September ideally but Tulips can be planted in November.  Bulbs can be stored in paper in a cool, dark place until you are ready to tick this off your ta-da list.

How Do I Plant Bulbs?  Can I plant different bulbs together?

Plant the bulb approximately twice the depth of the bulb, pointy end upwards, in either containers or in your garden bed/border.  Bulbs are great for planting in groups rather than singly and they can be layered for a full season long performance.  Simply layer them in a container with the larger bulbs being the deepest, add some compost, then place the medium bulbs and so on.  The depth of the first layer of bulbs depends on how many layers you are aiming for.  I only tried the 2 layers to begin with but large bulbs can be planted as deep as 30cm in order to give you room for the next layer or 2.  Autumn/Winter bedding or a structural shrub could also be added to give an instant display.  The bulb shoots are very determined and will work their way through the gaps.

It’s so satisfying to plan ahead and knowing that you will have a beautiful Spring display.  Please do of course let me know if you have any further questions and enjoy having a browse of the bulbs we have available.

Take care, Lins.

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