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What’s your favourite Festive Fragrance?

What’s your favourite Festive Fragrance?

Christmas is such a treat for our senses, so many wonderful sights from frosty, sunny mornings to the twinkling of lights, the taste of yummy festive treats, Slade belting out Merry Christmas Everybody on the radio and finally being allowed to touch those pressies under the tree on Christmas morning.

The sights and sounds are fabulous throughout the season but the smells, oh my word, what a delight! Here are a few of my favourite fragrances that signify the festivities are well and truly underway.

Cinnamon – Whether it be in your wreath and decorations, or even better, in mulled wine. The warming scent of spices is top of my festive fragrance chart.

Christmas Trees – The fresh, natural, pine scent has to be one of the main Christmas time clues especially my Picea which I bring indoors each year. Click Here For More Information About Picea Conica - Christmas Trees 

Gingerbread – My mouth is watering as I type this, I just love gingerbread especially tucking in when it’s still warm from the oven. Me and the kids always make a few batches leading up to Christmas with the intention to hand them out to friends and family (confession time, we usually eat most of them ourselves, sorry Auntie Jo!).

Snow – Ok, so I guess this doesn’t actually have a fragrance, but the clear, cold air just seems to smell really fresh and crisp when it snows and this always signifies fun to me.

Fire – What better way to defrost than sitting by a fire cupping a warm drink. Cosy evenings watching the logs burn is an early indication that the season is upon us.

Food – Whether it be roasting chestnuts, turkey or the delicious smells of Christmas cake and pudding, all the festive food favourites ignite my Christmas spirit. Bring on the overindulgence.

Flowering, let alone, scented plants for the garden can be a little hard to come by during the Winter months but let me tell you about an absolute gem we have available. I can personally recommend this as I currently have one planted in my garden – the Sarcococca confusa Sweet Box, also known as Christmas Box.

My favourite Winter plant as not only does it have cute, vanilla scented flowers, it likes the shade and needs very little attention. An added bonus is the little berries that appear after flowering to give the birds a snack when food is scarce. Simply pot it up and position near your door to appreciate the scent, what a fabulous gift this would be too. Get Your Sarcococca confusa - Sweet Box or Christmas Box Here.  After flowering, simply move the container to a shady spot where this evergreen beauty will grow and get ready for net years festive stint.

My pooch was given an early pressie last week, not very tasty and didn’t smell too good, the main sense affected was my hearing. Here he is loving his squeaky burger! 

Thank you for reading and have a fab week,


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