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How to feed and rejuvenate tired containers

How to feed and rejuvenate tired containers

As I sit here, the sun is shining through the window and signs of spring are most definitely in the air! Daffodils are starting to add a warm glow popping up around the garden and by the roadside giving me a feeling of optimism that we will be able to sit in our gardens with friends very soon.

With that in mind, let’s mull over some ideas to give us some colour now and also prepare our garden pots in order to give a wonderful, colourful welcome in the Summer too.

So here is my confession! Do you still have pots that haven’t been touched since last Summer, guilty? Yes. Do you have pots that contain very old compost, guilty? Yes. Do you have pots that are covered in dirty rainwater splashes and just generally filthy, guilty? Yes. I feel much better after getting all of that off my chest and I am now motivated to Spring my containers back into life. I love being able to put all of this into my blogs as once I have it written down (well, typed) I feel it is more likely that I will get it done!

With the weather getting warmer and the sun shining, it’s much more appealing to get out in the garden. Giving our pots a clean and replacing the old compost with fresh, nutrient rich compost (our Container Compost has been specially formulated - available here) means we can get prepared and with our Spring flowering Polyanthus and Primrose Deal of the Week you can add some instant blooms of colour right now! Grab Your 12 Plant Collection Here For Just £18! SAVE £10

Here's a video tutorial by our very own James Oakey on how to Plant  Polyanthus Bucks Fizz & Primrose Rambo:

If the compost isn’t too old, you could maybe just remove the top layer, along with any moss and weeds and incorporate some fresh compost. This is also a great idea for pots containing shrubs and perennials that could maybe also do with a little tidy up. Early Spring is the perfect time to incorporate some fresh compost and a little slow-release fertiliser like growmore, bone meal or Sulphur Soil. In fact, why not consider giving our Bags of Goodness a try as you won’t even have to think about feeding for the whole season with these beauties. Most plants generally only really need a slow-release fertiliser feed twice a year and once in Spring and again in the Autumn is the ideal time to do this. Smaller, bedding type plants may appreciate a more regular liquid feed and we now have plant food available on our website here: Natural Flower, Fruit and Vegetable Feed

Now your pots are all ready for the wonderful seasons ahead and if the sun is still shining, make the most of it and give your evergreen shrubs a tidy up too!

I hope that you are all feeling optimistic about the rules slowly lifting and I have helped to put a little ‘Spring’ in your step.

If you would like any help or advice with regards to the pre-order summer bedding we have on the website, please do feel free to get in touch.

Take care, Lins x

Lindsey (Customer Service)

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