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How to maintain your lawn through Autumn & Winter

How to maintain your lawn through Autumn & Winter

‘Autumn days when the grass is jewelled’ will ring a bell with most of you I hope, sitting cross legged in assembly and then getting the chance to belt this song out with your friends – good times.

Not only is this a great song, but it is also very apt for my blog this week. The signs of it being officially autumn are increasingly visible, leaves have begun to turn shades of orange, red and brown, daylight hours are reducing, and the grass is jewelled with beads of early morning moisture hanging on the lawn but what should I do to keep my lawn looking tip top through Autumn and Winter?

I’ll come clean, my lawn is more or less half and half grass and clover but I’m happy with that. I also have quite a few yellow patches, but I think I may know the 4-legged culprit! I’m not going to stress about having the perfect lawn, but I will be taking on board a few tips. Writing these blogs is basically another excuse for me to chat but besides this, it also reminds me of what I could or should be doing in my garden and practicing what I preach, well, every now and then.

Feed and Leave
Giving our lawn some Autumn/Winter fertiliser will offer nutrients to encourage growth and help protect from disease. This also prepares the soil for the tough months ahead and it is geared up for the better weather. Once fertiliser has been applied its best to keep off the lawn as much as possible to avoid compacting the soil too much, except if it snows, sorry lawn but you will have to take one for the team if this happens as playing in the snow will be priority!

Uncover and Trim
Remove any fallen leaves as this will create extra moisture and prevent the air circulating, these can be pushed to one side to either create a mulch around larger shrubs and trees or habitats for our garden friends. If your grass needs a little trim during the cooler months, make sure to change your lawnmower setting as cutting it too short can cause issues with frosts and it may struggle to recover.

We’ve had a great week at P2G and we’re loving this gorgeous weather. We’re very excited to start receiving thousands of Autumn/Winter bedding plants next week, the nursery is going to look amazing. I am personally excited to see and plant up some Primrose Vanilla Sky and Viola Honeybee, my 2 favourites for the last few years, always flowering right up until I’m ready to plant my Summer bedding, perfect! Click Here For Autumn Bedding

I thought I would end the blog again by sharing a fab photo kindly sent to me by a lovely customer. Check out Lynne’s P2G Hibiscus, absolutely beautiful. Thank you Lynne.

Keep sending me your photos and take care everyone,


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