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It's action stations! Let’s embrace the positive vibes of early Spring

It's action stations! Let’s embrace the positive vibes of early Spring

The restrictions are gradually being lifted, the weather is starting to improve and the evenings are getting lighter – hurray for Spring!

House plants can be so beneficial and create positivity especially for those people who have been working from home for months so let’s start by giving them a little dust down and fresh air on a nice sunny day.  Here are James’s houseplants sunbathing and feeling the breeze between their leaves 

If you have a greenhouse then now is a great time to give it a Spring clean and even start sowing.  It’s still a little early for frost tender summer bedding, tomatoes and cucumbers but it’s the ideal time for sowing numerous veggie seeds.  Alternatively, if you find growing from seed a tad time consuming or just generally not keen, then check out our ‘Grow Your Own’ section where you will find fruit and veg plants where all of the hard work has been done for you - Grow Your Own Section

Seeing flowers in bloom during the Spring really is uplifting and probably even more so this year.  Layered planting to include shrubs, bedding and bulbs will reward you with a long season of colour and joy and my colleague and friend, James, sent me a photo this week of one of his creations back in September and just look at it now!  These resilient plants have conquered the harsh winds and snow and have emerged the other side looking fantastic, bringing welcomed colour and smiles all round 

There is still time to prune your Roses and tidy up your Clematis and incorporating some slow-release fertiliser with some fresh compost to top dress your containers, as touched upon last week, is also a great idea.  Dust off that Sulphur Rose Spray too as now is the ideal time to start the spraying to reduce the chances of mildew and black spot - Get yours HERE

Lot’s to keep us amused and out of trouble there!  I love this time of year we can really get going now and start to feel more productive in our gardens no matter how big or petite they may be.

Fingers crossed the weather behaves for us!

Take care everyone,

Lins x

Lindsey (Customer Service)

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