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Primrose - The Winter Wonder!

Primrose - The Winter Wonder!

It’s a little belated, but Happy New Year to you all!

We always love January, here at P2G HQ. It brings with it so much promise of a
new gardening year and we are always so excited to share with you all the wonderful
new plants we’ve managed to get hold of during the late Summer and Autumn for the
forthcoming seasons! 2025’s offerings won’t let you down – we’ve got some
absolute corkers waiting patiently in the wings for their moment to shine and dazzle
with their beauty!

There’s nothing quite as pleasing as a sunny, Winters day and today is just one of
those, it’s blooming chilly out there but it won’t deter me from putting on a big coat
and a woolly hat and getting outside to enjoy those Winter plants, from Hellebores to
the first Snow Drops (which I spotted a few days back) if you look hard enough there
is always something flowering its socks off in the garden.

One of my very favourite Winter wonders is the humble Primrose. We always grow
this year’s specially selected beauties in pots on the patio, so close to the house that
I don’t even need to go out to enjoy them, I can admire them through the window
whilst I relax on the sofa and enjoy a nice cuppa! But, once they’ve had a season in
the pots we move them into the borders, in a shady little spot somewhere about the
garden where not much else wants to be. Once they have been re-planted, if I’m
honest, I tend to completely forget about them, so it is always a delightful surprise
when I find them flowering again, the following year, on one of my garden

So easy to grow and totally undemanding, these little gems will flower for years and
years, often with the clumps getting bigger and bigger, meaning their displays
become more and more spectacular as the years pass.To kick start your gardening year, why not take a look at the Primroses we have for
2025, and for those of you with a few pots that could do with a quick Winter
makeover, we have a special offer on mixed primroses this week that might just give
you something to smile about whilst you’re looking out of your windows.

Primrose Mixed Colour 20 Plant Pack - Buy One Get One Free - 40 Plants For Β£18.50

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