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Blossom by Blossom, the Spring begins

Blossom by Blossom, the Spring begins

A time of new beginnings and new possibilities and I am therefore over the moon to declare that Spring has sprung, and we have decided to celebrate this in a big way by holding a Free P&P Event this weekend – woohoo!

With absolutely no P&P to pay across the whole of our website this weekend, let’s dust off that trowel, check our compost stocks and why not have a browse to see what takes your fancy.  

Our Spring Event this weekend is my absolute favourite as not only does it mean you, our lovely customers can save some money but it also signifies the beginning of my favourite season.  Our gardens really begin to come to life from bulbs to blossom and beyond and with Plant a Flower Day on the 12th March, it hopefully encourages us to get outdoors, spend some time with others and sow seeds or plant up some new perennials or a shrub.

This Free P&P Event is a great opportunity to treat yourself to a new shrub, tree or some bedding plants but we can also help with decorative containers and garden care products too.  How about a new shrub, planter to pop it in, compost to fill it and feed all with no P&P, now wouldn’t that be a treat!

The Garden Care section on our website contains an array of delights to help you around the garden and here are a few examples.

Sulphur Rose Spray – The natural enemy of blackspot and powdery mildew, simply spray on your Rose shrubs and any other plants and trees prone to this infestation.  Perfectly safe for wildlife and pets.

Sulphur Soil Granules – Natural soil acidifier for ericaceous plants such as Rhododendrons and Azaleas.

Compost - Our compost does exactly what it says on the bag.  Container compost, Rose, Tree and Shrub or Ericaceous.

In the Garden Care section of our website, we also have some handy helpers which would make perfect garden gifts such as;

Step Stool with Storage – Sturdy and strong yet lightweight to stand on whilst pruning or perch on whilst weeding (or having a cuppa) with storage to keep your bits ‘n’ bobs safe.

Garden Tidy Set – Kneeler, Tool Bag and Tidy bag all with a pretty pattern to help keep your outside space neat and tidy

Have a peruse of the website and jot down anything that takes your fancy ready for the Free P&P launch this weekend, how exciting!

We’re here if you need any help,


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