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Say Hello to some Festive Favourites

Say Hello to some Festive Favourites

Every now and again I like to have a look at what certain days represent and I’m absolutely loving the fact that yesterday was World Hello Day so a big, happy hello to you all, our wonderful bunch!

A chat or even just a brief hello can boost our mood so I’ve been having a ponder about other ways in which we can ignite positivity and what better way than starting to create a Christmas vibe. Whether you are having a quiet Christmas or being invaded by the family, its lovely to have a few festive gestures around the house and even in the garden like our beautiful wreaths or a Picea. Our Picea Conica are smaller and more manageable than a Christmas tree but can be decorated simply with a few baubles or lights to give a wonderful, seasonal display in minutes. 

Growing naturally in this wonderful pyramid shape and can be enjoyed indoors over Christmas or as a welcoming, doorstep display with a lovely pine fragrance. Once the festive season has passed, these evergreen beauties can be planted in your garden border or in a pot for all year-round interest. Here is a link to our Picea and I would like you all to be the first to know that this is available as our special deal this week. View Deal Here

Wreaths are of course a well-recognised sign of the festive season and always make me smile as I pass. We have personally picked a few options to hopefully suit most styles and they look charming and welcoming on the door but alternatively, what an attractive table centerpiece. Here are the options we have available. View Festive Wreaths Here

We’ve also added some more inspirational gift ideas to our website for you all including some gorgeous plants as a wonderful, living, gift. How about an Ilex Golden King (Holly) for evergreen beauty, take cuttings year after year to use as part of indoor arrangements? Also, my favourite evergreen, the Nandina, is always up to something with colour changing foliage, flowers and berries, and evergreen too! For those friends and relatives who like to have a potter around the garden (or this may even be a little nudge of encouragement), some useful tools and handy gardening sets including the Garden Tidy Set and 3 piece Cutting Tool Set. Get ticking off that pressie list. View Christmas Section Here

My final thought today relates to our tiny garden helpers and the gift of a bug hotel is a fantastic idea, especially at this time of the year when it’s getting cold and shelter can be a little more tricky to find. We all have some bits and bobs hanging around in the garden or shed and anything like a few pipes, twigs, broken pots is all you need.


Another great way to help those little creatures is to leave any fallen fruit around the edge of the garden and even a pile of twigs or cuttings for shelter, the hedgehogs will really thank us for this and kindly repay the favour by munching on the slugs.

Thank you for reading my blog and please do send me a photo of any of your P2G plants that are making you smile as they really do make us smile too.

Take care,


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