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The season of joy and giving

The season of joy and giving

I absolutely love the quote ‘Happiness doesn’t result from what we get but what we give’ and this is so true especially when we associate it with ‘time’.

Giving your time to help someone, watch a film with the children, have a cuppa with a neighbour or even just a cheerful hello when passing can mean so much especially at this time of the year. Time is a gift we can all give to each other, and it really does give me a warm feeling (which is a bonus in these temperatures). I am looking forward to spending quality time with family and friends over the Christmas break, playing games, whether they like it or not!

As lovely as it is giving the gift of time, I’m sure we all have pressies still unticked on our lists and with the festive season being in full swing, please tell me I’m not the only one wracking my brain for ideas.

We quite often have customers who would like to purchase items from our website for delivery to a friend or relative which is no problem at all as the delivery address can be amended but how about sending that lucky recipient a charming little certificate to let them know that a gorgeous plant or some handy tools are on their way. Here is an example of a note sent recently to a fortunate recipient and please do let us know if we can help 

Have any of you braved the cold and had a potter in the garden? With the temperatures not reaching double figures this week it hasn’t exactly been appealing but we do have some fabulous shrubs that are perfectly happy being planted right now and will add some interest and colour to our winter gardens and all year round, alternatively they would make a wonderful gift as very easy to care for.

  • Ilex Golden King Holly which is of course perfectly festive but adds interest and variety year after year with its beautiful, variegated foliage and hold the RHS Award of Garden Merit - Click Here For Ilex Golden King

Planting a new shrub or two in your garden border or in a planter is a great Winter warmer job (and will help me to burn off some festive indulgence) and whilst we’re all wrapped up why not clear some leaves too, surely someone has been secretly throwing their share over my wall!

My final thought this week also relates to the gift of giving and reminding myself that one and half gingerbread stars is better than none (after Freddie made them at school and coming home having eaten the majority with his friends at breaktime)! 

Take care everyone,


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