Flowering Shrubs
Salix Mount Aso (7.5 Litre)
Pink, Japanese Pussy Willow. This wonderful Salix bears the most amazing fluffy pink catkins which is an absolute joy to behold in the garden. The ...
View full detailsCallistemon Honeypot (3 Litre)
Vibrant yellow bottlebush flowers. Unlike most Callistemons, Honeypot bears vibrant yellow bottle brush like flowers rather than the usual red bloo...
View full detailsRhododendron Razorbill (3 Litre)
A mass of pink blooms. A dwarf and compact variety of Rhododendron that is ideally suited to container gardeninng or smaller gardens. Razorbill b...
View full detailsOlearia Spring Bling (3 Litre)
Create a Spring sensation in the garden! Newer breeding - this beautiful Olearia Spring Bling is set to create a stir in the garden this Spring and...
View full detailsCallistemon viridiflorus (3 Litre)
Yellow-green bottle brush blooms! The arching stems on this evergreen Callistemon bear narrow, pointed, green leaves giving a Mediterranean feel to...
View full detailsCistus florentinus (3 Litre)
Paper-like white blooms. Also known as the Florentine Rock Rose, Cistus florentinus is a fully hardy, compact evergreen shrub that will create a wo...
View full detailsChaenomeles Crimson & Gold (3 Litre)
Crimson red flowers and golden fruits! This fabulous variety of Chaenomeles, or Japanese Quince, is more compact than many others, but is fast grow...
View full detailsCamellia Sasanqua Plantation Pink (3 Litre)
Unusual and fragrant Camellia with soft pink blooms! A more unusual variety of Camellia, Pink Perfection bears soft pink blooms with a sweet scent....
View full detailsKalmia Sterntaler (4 Litre)
Unique flowers and dark green foliage. A fully hardy, evergreen shrub, Kalmia Sterntaler bears pink buds which open to uniquely shaped, maroon flow...
View full detailsRhododendron Curlew (1 x 4.5 Litre)
A dwarf Rhododendron perfect for patio gardening. Rhododendron Curlew is the perfect, dwarf and compact Rhododenron for planting into pots and cont...
View full detailsAzalea mollis Jolie Madame (1 x 4.5 Litre)
Fuchsia pink blooms! A beautiful, deciduous Azalea, Jolie Madame bears fuchsia pink blooms with pale orange splashes in May. As an additional bon...
View full detailsChoisya White Dazzler (4.5 Litre)
A compact Choisya perfect for pots and containers. White Dazzler has glossy, evergreen foliage which looks fantastic all year round. Bearing an a...
View full detailsPrunus Incisa Cunera (1 x 5 Litre)
The Fuji Cherry! A more recent introduction of ornamental Prunus, Cunera produces gorgeous light pink - white cherry blossom in March and April. ...
View full detailsPhiladelphus Illuminati Tower (3 Litre)
A new Philadelphus forming columns of blooms. Philadelphus Illuminati Tower is fabulous new breeding but with all the flower power and fragrance y...
View full detailsHydrangea Glabra Crug Coral (1 x 2 Litre)
Colour changing lace cap type blooms. Glabra Crug Coral is a stunning variety of climbing Hydrangeas which bears colour changing flowers during the...
View full detailsHydrangea Schizophragma Roseum (1 x 2 Litre)
Heart shaped foliage and creamy flowers that age to rose. A climbing form of Hydrangea, Schizophragma Roseum is also know as the Japanese Hydrange...
View full detailsHydrangea Forever & Ever White (1 x 2 Litre)
New Macrophylla Hydrangea which will keep on flowering! Hydrangea Forever & Ever will take all the worry of pruning away - flowering on both n...
View full detailsPieris Prelude (1 x 3 Litre)
Low growing and compact evergreen shrub. Pieris Prelude is a compact form of Pieris, ideal for smaller gardens or container gardening. In Spring,...
View full detailsHydrangea Quercifolia Ruby Slipper (1 x 3 Litre)
Oak shaped foliage and deep ruby flowers. This gorgeous Hydrangea Quercifolia is sure to provide a spectacle in the garden for many years to come....
View full detailsWisteria Okayama (1 x 3 Litre)
Romantic blooms on this reliable climber. Wisterias are such wonderful addition to any garden, creating that romantic, cottage garden feel. Wisteri...
View full detailsPrunus Autumnalis Rosea (1 x 5 Litre)
The perfect tree for a smaller garden. We love this Prunus - perfect for smaller gardens and container gardening. Grafted onto dwarfing rootstock...
View full detailsClematis Snowfall (3 Litre)
A herbaceous type Clematis with beautiful pure white flowers. Clematis Snowfall is a herbaceous, shrub type Clematis that bears masses of pure whit...
View full detailsAutumn Colour Planter Bundle
Create a wonderful display for the patio this Autumn that will give colour and interest through into the Winter! This bundle includes: Sarcococca C...
View full detailsDavidia involucrata (2 Litre)
The Handkerchief Tree! Davidia is a fully hardy, deciduous shrub which offers many months of interest in the garden. Deciduous, attractive, heart s...
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